Hygiene and food safety habits in an urban and rural population in isolation by Covid 19 Tacna region, 2020


  • Gladys Eliana Zegarra Mandamiento Tacna Private University
  • Liz Mary Zelay Alanoca Chavez Tacna Private University
  • Raul Cartagena Cutipa Tacna Private University




Food hygiene, food safety, Covid 19, insulation


The research aimed to identify changes in hygiene habits and impacts on food security in a rural and urban population in isolation by Covid 19 in the Tacna region. The research was non-experimental and cross-cutting the survey was used as a technique, applying a questionnaire to populations aged 18 to 65, from provinces of Candarave representing the rural area and the province of Tacna classified as urban. Pearson's Chi-square statistic was applied for data analysis. The results show significant and positive changes in hygiene habits in food handling that is more noticeable in urban areas than in rural areas, while negative impacts on food security are more evident in rural areas than in urban areas. It is therefore concluded that there were significant impacts as a result of Covid 19 confinement on hygiene habits and food safety.


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Author Biographies

Gladys Eliana Zegarra Mandamiento, Tacna Private University

School of Agroindustrial Engineering, Private University of Tacna

Liz Mary Zelay Alanoca Chavez, Tacna Private University

School of Agroindustrial Engineering, Private University of Tacna

Raul Cartagena Cutipa, Tacna Private University

Professor at the Agroindustrial Engineering School, Private University of Tacna



How to Cite

Zegarra Mandamiento, G. E., Alanoca Chavez, L. M. Z., & Cartagena Cutipa, R. (2020). Hygiene and food safety habits in an urban and rural population in isolation by Covid 19 Tacna region, 2020. INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 2(2), 444–452. https://doi.org/10.47796/ing.v2i2.417



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