Analysis of the behavior of means of payment other than cash, atms and virtual banking, 2013 – 2021




Means of payment, virtual banking, bank transfers


Nowadays, some means of payment have been transformed to digital means, granting a variety of options that offer a better user experience. In this sense, the goal of the present research was analyze the trend of the use of payment methods other than cash, ATMs and virtual banking, 2013 - 2021, with a quantitative approach, basic type, descriptive level, non-experimental design and longitudinal court, using information from the Banco Central de Reserva del Perú. The results determined that there is a growing and significant trend in the use of virtual banking and that with the arrival of Covid-19, personal and business transactions were adapted to the use of technology. In the same way, transfers and debit cards have had a growing behavior, the use of ATMs has had a minimal growth and the use of checks, as a means of payment different to cash, has had a decreasing trend.


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How to Cite

Arámbulo Ayala de Sánchez, M. C., Peñaloza Arana, E. L., & Chávez Lara, C. E. (2022). Analysis of the behavior of means of payment other than cash, atms and virtual banking, 2013 – 2021. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 11(1), 7–17.