Adaptation strategies and adequacy of planning for learning in the context of COVID-19 and intersectionality


  • Aydee Pajares Cohaila Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Tacna
  • Victor Pedro Franco Castro Dirección Regional de Educación de Tacna
  • Ingrid Cafferata Vega I.E.E. "Don José de San Martín"



curriculum diversification, contextualization, adjustment, adaptation, intersectionality


The main objective of this study was to delve deeper into the everyday issues that emerged in the process of curricular diversification during the implementation of the distance education strategy "Aprendo en casa" in educational institutions in Tacna, within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. To achieve this, a basic exploratory-descriptive research was conducted, adopting a qualitative approach, as the investigative action aimed at interpreting the data obtained through in-depth structured interviews conducted with administrators in the year 2021. The sample consisted of 12 administrators from public primary and secondary educational institutions, and the selection was based on convenience. The findings shed light on the intersectional nature of inequalities among students and the strategies that teachers designed to meet their needs.


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Author Biographies

Aydee Pajares Cohaila, Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Tacna

Docente de EBR, Area de Ciencia y Tecnologìa, ex Especialista de Ciencias en la Direcciòn Regional de Educacion, actual especialista en Educacion e Investigación de la Unidad de Gestión Eductiva Local Tacna.

Victor Pedro Franco Castro, Dirección Regional de Educación de Tacna

Docente de posgrado de las universidades Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Alas Peruanas, CIMA y José Carlos Mariátegui. Ex director de la UGEL Tacna, ex Director Regional de Educación de Tacna, actual Director de Gestión Pedagógica de la DRE Tacna.

Ingrid Cafferata Vega, I.E.E. "Don José de San Martín"

Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Ciencas Sociales. Profesora de Historia y Geografía. Magíster en Docencia Universitaria, Máster en Educación Sexual y Sexología, Estudios de Doctorado en Educación y Gestión. Docente Formadora en la Escuela Superior de Formación Docente "José Jiménez Borja". Docente Universitaria a nivel de Posgrado y Pregrado en la Universidad Privada de Tacna.



How to Cite

Pajares Cohaila, A., Franco Castro, V. P., & Cafferata Vega, I. (2023). Adaptation strategies and adequacy of planning for learning in the context of COVID-19 and intersectionality. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 12(01).