The perception of corporate social responsibility and its influence on the positioning of the SODIMAC brand in Tacna, 2019




Corporate Social Responsibility, Brand positioning, brand differentiation


The research was carried out in order to establish to what extent the perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its influence on the positioning of the SODIMAC brand in Tacna - 2019. There was a sample of 384 people, the technique to collect data was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire; The sample consisted of clients of the SODIMAC company, located in Tacna and applied to people over 18 years of age. An important finding is that CSR has a significant relationship in the differentiation, identification and recall of the SODIMAC brand, since, in the Spearman correlation coefficient, a strong relationship was obtained in each of the dimensions with respect to CSR. It is established that CSR is significantly related to the Positioning of the Brand, inferring that the principles for the preservation and increase of the well-being of customers and society are closely associated with the way in which a good or service in the minds of SODIMAC customers, emphasizing that it is about the perception of attributes that occupy a place in their minds, represented by a Spearman Rho of 79.4%.


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Author Biographies

Alvaro Rodrigo Moreyra Flores, Private University of Tacna. Master of Business Administration and Management

Maestro en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Escuela de Postgrado, Universidad Privada de Tacna.

Mariela Irene Bobadilla Quispe, Universidad Privada de Tacna, Tacna, Perú.

Doctora en Ciencias Contables y Financieras y docente en la Universidad Privada de Tacna.


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How to Cite

Moreyra Flores, A. R., & Bobadilla Quispe, M. I. (2022). The perception of corporate social responsibility and its influence on the positioning of the SODIMAC brand in Tacna, 2019. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 11(1), 47–57.