Factors associated with the inefficiency of Law 30364, law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group, in a peruvian province.


  • Alex Efraín Paco Ale Peruvian Government
  • Mario César Gálvez Marquina Antarki S.R.L.




Law 30364, Family Violence, Effectiveness of the Law


The research sought to establish the lack of a multidisciplinary team and the lack of collaboration of the person that corresponds to us. The research was not experimental in the transversal design of correlational-causal type, relational level and basic type. It was established that 18.1% of the victims were treated in a timely manner by the legal medical examination and that 17% were subjected to a psychological appraisal in a timely manner. Likewise, 26.4% of the reports are complete. Likewise, it is said that 61.7% of the reports were sent to the JPP Family Court before 24 hours and that 4.5% of the responses to the protective measures before 72 hours. Finally, it was established that the lack of a multidisciplinary team and the lack of collaboration of the victim would be associated with the non-referral of the PNP reports to the Court before 24 hours (p=, 000); not to complete the reports sent from the PNP to the Court (p =, 000); and to the non-issuance of protective measures before 72 hours (p =, 000).


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How to Cite

Paco Ale, A. E., & Gálvez Marquina, M. C. (2020). Factors associated with the inefficiency of Law 30364, law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group, in a peruvian province. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 8(2), pp. 1138 – 1148. https://doi.org/10.47796/ves.v8i2.131