Antidumping: Un problema para la industria del calzado




antidumping, import, calculation methodology


The objective of this study was to analyze whether antidumping corrects the dumping of footwear from China and whether it is a problem for imports. Whose method employed was explanatory, quantitative and causal with non-experimental, longitudinal design, the population comprises 1,866,488 and the sample of 763507, series of customs declarations of footwear imported into Peru. time series 2010-2019, obtained from SUNAT. The VAR models were used through the MGM and MCVE, Levene's test and t-test for difference of means indicates that it is significant <0.05. It was determined that antidumping is not the policy that corrects the dumping problem and did not affect the imports.


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Author Biography

Miriam Roxana Cavero Guevara, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Lic.Administración , Abogada, Mag. en Comercio Exterior. Trabaja en el Estudio de Abogados Cavero y es Docente de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga.



How to Cite

Cavero Guevara, M. R. (2024). Antidumping: Un problema para la industria del calzado. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 13(2), 205–216.