Digital Preservation Policy

Ingeniería Investiga supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system that guarantees the journal a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library that allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect new published content and archive it. Each archive is continuously validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself.

See the LOCKSS Publication Manifesto page.

Engineering Research stores and preserves all documents and all files it publishes digitally online. The journal's website and all its contents are backed up and protected by IT services of the Universidad Privada de Tacna.

The files published in the journal are available in easily reproducible PDF and XML-JATS formats.

Also as a policy of digital preservation, the unique and permanent identifier for electronic publications (DOI) is used.