Determination of the marginal sash of the caplina river in pachia and calana district by hydraulic modeling


  • Ronald Choque Huanca Tacna Private University
  • Daysi Rossmery Mamani Ccantuta Tacna Private University
  • Alexander Nicolás Vilcanqui Alarcón Tacna Private University



Flood, Maximum Floods, Hydraulic Modeling, Risk, Vulnerability


In the department of Tacna specifically, the Districts of Pachía and Calana show vulnerability to flooding by maximum avenues, according to the evaluations carried out by the National Water Authority, in the years 2001 and 2019 according to the hydrometric data registry of the Calientes Station, reported flows of 33 m3 / s and 26 m3 / s respectively causing destruction of the intakes of Challata and Calientes, flooding of agricultural areas, leaving the area of the thermal baths in Calientes in flood, clogging of the channeling works of the Caplina river from Calana to the Piedra Blanca sector. The determination of a marginal strip through hydraulic modeling seeks to safeguard the lives of the inhabitants and also the economic and environmental aspects.


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Author Biographies

Ronald Choque Huanca, Tacna Private University

School of Civil Engineering Private University of Tacna, Peru

Daysi Rossmery Mamani Ccantuta, Tacna Private University

School of Civil Engineering Private University of Tacna, Peru

Alexander Nicolás Vilcanqui Alarcón, Tacna Private University

Professor at the Civil Engineering School of the Private University of Tacna, Peru



How to Cite

Choque Huanca, R., Mamani Ccantuta, D. R., & Vilcanqui Alarcón, A. N. (2020). Determination of the marginal sash of the caplina river in pachia and calana district by hydraulic modeling. INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 2(2), 388–404.



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