Relationship between mediation as a conflict resolution method and corporate social responsibility: a contribution to peace-building and sustainable development


  • Roberto N. Guerrero-Vega Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México
  • Jazmín A. Flores-Montes Universidad de Colima, Colima, México



Well-being, Peacebuilding, Sustainable development, Mediation, Nonconflict societies


Latin America is one of the most unequal regions on the planet, a condition that favors and consolidates the violent structures adopted by societies that threaten peace and the economic and cultural development of future generations. This article has a qualitative approach, based on a non-experimental design, under a cross-sectional bibliographicdocumentary level. Its general objective is to analyze the relationship between Mediation as a Method of Conflict Resolution (MSC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as well as to support how this interaction has contributed to peace building and sustainable development. After the literature review and documentary analysis, the generalities of CSMs were known, as well as the role played by mediation and Social Responsibility according to their scope of action. Based on this analysis, it was concluded that mediation as a CSM is presented as a tool for conflict management and can also be implemented as a public policy for the benefit of CSR, and consequently it was shown that the interaction of both figures represents a significant contribution to peace-building, social welfare and sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Roberto N. Guerrero-Vega, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México

Doctor en Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Maestro de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones internacionales (UANL). Editor de la Revista de criminología y ciencias forenses: Ciencia, Justicia y Sociedad de la Universidad de Ixtlahuaca

Jazmín A. Flores-Montes, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México

Doctora en Métodos de Solución de Conflictos y Máster en Derecho Constitucional y Gobernabilidad por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mx. Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Colima, Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACYT- Distinción Candidata, actualmente es Investigadora y Profesora en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Colima; y Especialista Certificada Privada de MSC en Colima, Mx.



How to Cite

Guerrero-Vega, R. N., & Flores-Montes, J. A. (2023). Relationship between mediation as a conflict resolution method and corporate social responsibility: a contribution to peace-building and sustainable development. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 12(01).