Teaching practices and pass rate in the subject of Numerical Methods of engineering common plan of the Metropolitan Technological University, year 2017





Teaching practice, approval rate, final grade, methodology


The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between teaching practices and the passing rate in the subject Numerical Methods of the Common Engineering Plan of the Metropolitan Technological University, year 2017. The scope included the common plan of Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering, Macul headquarters, located at José Pedro Alessandri 1242, Macul. At the methodological level, it was a basic type research, descriptive level, non-experimental, correlational-causal transectional design, quantitative approach. The variables were broken down into dimensions, in the case of the teaching practice variable these were: methodology, evaluation and use of new technologies; for the approval rate variable, the dimension was performance. We worked with a sample of 119 students, the instruments were the survey, which made it possible to identify the existing teaching practices, and the report cards that made it possible to calculate the approval rate. Regarding the results, it was found that 47,06% believed that they received an acceptable teaching practice and 52,94% an excellent teaching practice, on the approval rate it could be established that it was 70.59%. Finally, it was concluded that teaching practice has a high positive relationship with the approval rate (Sig = 0.000; rs = 0.699). Regarding the relationship between the dimensions of teaching practice and the approval rate, a moderate positive relationship was concluded with methodology (Sig = 0.000; rs = 0.604) and evaluation (Sig = 0.000; rs = 0.509), a high positive relationship with the use of new technologies (Sig = 0.000; rs = 0.717).


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Author Biographies

Lorena Paola Hidalgo Gallardo, Universidad Privada de Tacna. Tacna, Perú.

Doctora en Educación Mención en Gestión Educativa. Magister en Educación con Mención Currículum y Evaluación basado en Competencias. Magister en Informática. Licenciada en Matemática. lhidalgo@utem.cl.

Rina María Álvarez Becerra, Universidad Privada de Tacna. Tacna, Perú.

Doctora en Educación con mención en gestión educativa en la UPT Y UNJBG. Doctorado en Humanidades en la Universidad Granada de España y en la UPT. Magíster en Docencia Universitaria en la UNMSM. rinaalvarezb@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Gallardo, L. P., & Álvarez Becerra, R. M. (2022). Teaching practices and pass rate in the subject of Numerical Methods of engineering common plan of the Metropolitan Technological University, year 2017. REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT, 11(1), 170–179. https://doi.org/10.47796/ves.v11i1.597