About the Journal

VERITAS ET SCIENTIA, is a publication of the Postgraduate School of the Private University of Tacna. VERITAS ET SCIENTIA, is published since 2012, semi-annually submitted to editorial arbitration and free distribution, aimed at professionals in the region and the country. In VERITAS ET SCIENTIA, we present research works related to the field of education, engineering, administration, law, health, psychology, environmental management, communications, architecture, among others, that contribute to regional and national sustainable development. The articles accepted for publication in Veritas et Scientia must be original, must not have been published partially or in its complete form, nor presented for publication in another journal in printed or electronic form. The authors are responsible for the material presented. The information delivered to the authors for the presentation of the articles, where the format and content are detailed, is found at the end of the journal.

URL: http://revistas.upt.edu.pe/ojs/index.php/vestsc
Printed Version ISSN 2307-5139
Online Version ISSN 2617-0639
Research Journal of the Gradute School of the Private University of Tacna.

Multidisciplinary biannual publication. Indexed Journal in Latindex.