Reform of the merger law in Peru


  • Bryan Kevin Castillo del Prado Universidad de Barcelona



Merger operation, Prior control, Electricity market, Peruvian market, Kallpa and Samay I


Merger agreements in the market can undoubtedly lead to a dominant position, creating inefficiencies. Regulatory agencies have thus established procedures and rules for proper regulation when companies seek to merge. In Peru, such a law was previously limited to the electric market. However, the recent approval of a new merger law applicable to all sectors has changed the procedure and technique used by the competition agency. This paper analyzes the procedure of merger agreements in the electric market under the previous merger law and contrasts its outcome with the new law. Additionally, a comparison with the procedure established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will be made to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Peru's new regulatory framework for merger control.


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Author Biography

Bryan Kevin Castillo del Prado, Universidad de Barcelona

Magíster en economía, regulación y competencia de los servicios públicos con especialidad en servicios de red: energía y telecomunicaciones y, servicios territoriales: agua y transporte, por la Universidad de Barcelona (España). Abogado por la Universidad Privada de Tacna. Cuenta con estudios de regulación ambiental en la Universidad de Colonia (Alemania) y estudios concluidos en la maestría de Gestión Pública por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Actualmente, trabaja como funcionario del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones y de forma independiente como investigador



How to Cite

Castillo del Prado, B. K. (2024). Reform of the merger law in Peru. DERECHO, 14(14), pp. 113 – 143.