

  • Renzo Yufra Peralta Private University of Tacna





The quality in the teaching and learning processes has to have as a corollary a significant contribution to society, being possible with a quality education, the same that is sought in institutions with the application of minimum standards to respond to social demand of solutions. This search for quality has led us as a Faculty and as a University to have obtained the accreditation between the National Accreditation Council (CNA) of Colombia and the licensing before the National Superintendency of Higher Education (SUNEDU) respectively, and in that order of commitment we can say that this should be made tangible with society through research projects that seek the direct benefit of the area where we have impact, not without dedicating ourselves to the study of legal science in its various aspects.

One of the problems that are shaking not only the politics but also the legal institutions is corruption, which brings multiple problems but also is deeply rooted not only in government enclaves but also has permeated society. This long-standing phenomenon has had a favorable scenario for the expansion of the governments of recent years, in which politics. Corruption has been combined, on the one hand corrupt businessmen and on the other, parties with goals to seize power at any cost. The institutions at the beginning did not have an immediate response, given the magnitude and complexity of the phenomenon, however the response was not long in coming and we have seen how one-to-one has been investigated and the precautionary measures ordered to ensure the success of the results of investigations and processes; in the meantime, political leaders, businessmen, characters linked to families have been subject to preventive detention that had not been applied to a certain class of characters and authorities, which were dictated, and the general population saw these measures with good eyes, after of a long time in which this type of measures for this type of characters was not present. However, these measures have their limitations, which should be observed according to the law and not the surveys.

In this opportunity we are dealing with multiple problems of a civil nature, civil criminal, labor, guardianship, contributions of our teaching community. And also this time we are accompanied by Chilean professors Juan Antonio Barraza Barrella and Ricardo Andrés Loyola, from the University of Tarapacá and Adolfo Ibáñez, respectively, who complete the payroll with current themes.

Our contribution to the discussion of the topics that our collaborators have believed pertinent is available to the academic community.

Renzo Yufra Peralta


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How to Cite

Yufra Peralta, R. (2018). Editorial. DERECHO, 8(8), p. 8. Retrieved from https://revistas.upt.edu.pe/ojs/index.php/derecho/article/view/30