

  • Roberto Palza Albarración, Abog. Private University of Tacna




The idea of ​​a Culture Magazine arose, within our university, because of the growing cultural activity in our academic community. Distant was the time when our cultural activities emerged as the result of the solo initiative of some teachers and students, who lacked institutional support. Lately, systematically and institutionally, the university has decided to invest in the implementation of artistic groups and extra-curricular workshops (TAEX), amplifying and diversifying the cultural and artistic offer, produced from within the university. Two years ago, a few dozen students joined the cultural and artistic activities, but in 2018 hundreds of students have enrolled in these extracurricular workshops and, exponential growth is expected for 2019, which challenge the channeling this tendency to incorporate the cultural factor, within the comprehensive university professional training.

In this regard, the Office of University Welfare, led by magister Gina Gotuzzo Ovalle, in coordination with the Academic Vice Rector, is planning this new student trend, which occurs in several university centers in the country, due to the modification in the University Law , that make us hope to have a University Cultural Center in the medium term, to centralize all the cultural and artistic activity of the university; through an area of ​​professional artistic production, an area of ​​innovation dedicated to research in arts and culture, and the area of ​​financing responsible for conducting the necessary cultural management to have the economic resources that are required.

Include this first issue of our cultural magazine of the Private University of Tacna, three articles that take as an interest the regional culture, exposed by professionals coming from diverse disciplines and themes: the scenic arts, the Inca archeology and the intercultural education of Tacna. The first one, dedicated to disseminate a case of Colonial Andean Theatricality, that questions in advance, the theory that disqualifies our region as a diffusing center of the scenic task prior to writing and the arrival of Europeans in these parts; the second, dedicated to introduce us into the research about the archaeological center of Moqi (Candarave), which are made around the presence of the Inca Empire in the highlands of the Locumba River basin - Tacna, and of which there is great expectation in the regional scientific community, which we hope that the coming years will give us a broader and more accurate idea about this important investigation about our recent past; and, the third, reflects the philosophical concern about intercultural education in our region, which has had long delays and refuses to recreate a pedagogical model more in line with our multicultural population, with a large percentage of native or descendant population of highland populations, and persists in using a Western pedagogical model and in Spanish, as part of a dominant culture.

The magazine also includes three articles by international authors, which indistinctly cover topics on other territories or on our micro-regional territory, but from a different approach than the national one. The first of them, is written by Magister Nerina Dip, who is a professor in the faculty of arts of the National University of Tucumán, and describes a marginal and peripheral poetics as the presence of the Arab Theater in Tucumán, whose context seems to guard us similarities with ours. The second article is written by the journalist and anthropologist, Juan Miranda Sánchez, who is from Tacna but lives since many years ago in Otawa - Canada, and when he met Luis Lumbreras at the 8th Meeting of Peruanistas in Canada, with the Creole speed of a diligent journalist, did not miss the opportunity to interview him, one of the fundamental personalities of the national culture, asking the key questions that help us to reflect and understand the future of the Peruvian reality, during the first two decades of the 21st century . And, the third article, is written by the actress and cultural communicator, Mery Ramos Choque, who makes an interview to the performer and Brazilian magister, Maria Fernanda Vomero, auxiliary teacher of the University of Sao Paulo, about her experience in the artistic residency Pascua del Anaco, which was held at the Cuadra 21 Cultural Center, during the months of August and November of this year.

There are three sections in our magazine, that we wish remain fixed within the composition of the magazine, those include cultural and artistic expressions on visual arts, performing arts, musical and audiovisual arts. For this issue of our magazine, we have selected: a photographic section, where we present the photographer born in Ilo, Jesús Cáceres, who recently presented a photographic exhibition at Club Unión, called Images about Tacna; the second section, we have titled it, “Entre libros”, where we have reviewed four books, the last three, printed by the UPT 2018 Editorial Fund, thanks to the firm support of the communicator, Mery Ramos Choque; and, a third section on poetry, which includes an elementary selection of the poetic work of the magister and poet, Ingrid Cafferata Vega, an important exponent of female poetry in Tacna, whose main focus is the vindication of the role of women in the macho society.

Waiting, that this initial selection, for the first issue of the culture magazine of the Private University of Tacna, is of your interest, and contributes to make all our readers, an empathic image about the cultural and artistic work of our alma mater. Waiting, that is not the last time that we dialogue, and that soon, we can make a new delivery of our cultural magazine.


Abog. Roberto Palza Albarracín       

Director - Editor de la Revista Cultural


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How to Cite

Palza Albarración, R. (2018). Editorial. JOURNAL OF CULTURE OF THE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY OF TACNA, 1(1), pp. 04 – 06. Retrieved from https://revistas.upt.edu.pe/ojs/index.php/cultural/article/view/80