Influencia del estrés laboral en el desempeño del personal de ESSALUD en las campañas de vacunación contra COVID-19, Tacna


  • Andrea Victoria Ruiz Vernal Licenciada en Comunicación Social, UPT
  • Juana del Carmen Bedoya Chanove Doctora en Administración, Universidad Privada de Tacna


Burnout, emotional, work stress, depersonalization, work performance


The objective: to determine the presence of occupational stress that front-line health care and administrative professionals in the city of Tacna might have in the midst of the pandemic and how it influences their performance. Methodology; used was non-experimental, cross-sectional, explanatory since it determines the cause-effect relationship of the variables. With a reliability of .933 and .955 obtained for the EL and DL variables, respectively, statistical tests were performed. The population consisted of 61 workers and worked with normally distributed data, so the linear regression statistical test was used. Results; 29.4% were obtained, which showed that work stress does have a significant influence on the work performance of the personnel. Likewise, it could be observed that of the three dimensions used, emotional exhaustion with 33.0%, depersonalization with 24.8% and personal fulfillment with 31.9%, there is a significant influence on work performance, respectively. Conclusion; work stress is an important factor to identify in workers in order to promote a healthy organizational culture and maintain efficient and effective work performance.


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