Modos de afrontamiento al estrés y síndrome de burnout en personal de seguridad de la Municipalidad Provincial de Tacna, 2021


  • Cristian Patricio Morales Maldonado Licenciada en Psicología, UPT
  • Julio Verne Valencia Valencia Mtro. en Administración de Negocios, Universidad Privada de Tacna


The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between stress coping and burnout syndrome in the security personnel of the Provincial Municipality of Tacna. Materials and Methods: The type of research is basic
correlational and non-experimental transectional design.
Two instruments were used for data collection: Carver's COPE-28 Stress Coping Modes Questionnaire adapted in Peru by Lévano and Maslach's Burnout Inventory adapted in Peru by Parrera. The sample was composed of 71 people belonging to the citizen security personnel of the Provincial
Municipality of Tacna. The results showed that 28.17% of the citizen security personnel had burnout syndrome, the mode of coping with stress acceptance had the highest percentage in the high use category with 35.21% and the mode of coping with stress active coping had the highest percentage in the very high use category with 39.44% and the mode of coping with stress very high use with 39.44%. Conclusion: there is no relationship between the modes of coping with stress and burnout syndrome, since the p-value ranges between 0.066 and 0.923.




