Situated teaching and meaningful learning in teachers of private institutions in Tacna in the year 2020


  • Karina Rosario Bahamondes Miranda Bachelor of Initial Education, UPT
  • Christian Andrés López Llerena Master in University Teaching and Educational Management, current teacher at the Private University of Tacna


Situated Teaching, Significant Learning, Teachers, Institution, Initial Education


Theoretical, traditional, academicist courses focused on the transmission of knowledge alone are not appropriate for the training needs of children, youth and adults. Thus, major changes are being made to reorient teaching towards educational models focused on the needs and particularities of the child learner. Thus, educational theories that refer to meaningful learning and situated teaching are gaining importance. Objective; To determine the relationship between situated teaching and meaningful learning in teachers in private institutions. Materials and Methods; The research is basic type, with descriptive correlational design with explanatory level. The population consisted of 95 teachers, 54 of whom were selected teachers of initial education in private institutions in Tacna. Two questionnaires were used both for the significant learning variable and for situated teaching. The scale used was Likert type, with four categories. Results: It was found that the teachers' level was predominantly satisfactory and moderately satisfactory with 44.4% respectively. With respect to significant learning, they present a moderately satisfactory level with 44.4%. Conclusion: Situated teaching and meaningful learning are directly and positively related in teachers of private institutions in Tacna (p=0.000).




