This site hosts the scientific magazines.


  • Convergencia Empresarial

    The purpose of this research journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge in the area of Business Science, to contribute to the development of micro-enterprises, and enhance the business management capacity of the region.

    The magazine contains original articles on relevant topics associated with the business and economic problems of entrepreneurs. The studies carried out by teachers are significant contributions that enhance the scientific business culture, and promote the generation of new knowledge in the areas of entrepreneurship, tax culture, financial inclusion and emotional intelligence.

    The international external review gives this journal rigor and scientific depth.


    Ingeniería investiga es una revista científica de libre acceso, es editada por la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Privada de Tacna y publica de manera continua, artículos derivados de investigaciones originales que buscan resolver la problemática de la sociedad.

    Por lo anterior, se dirige a investigadores, profesores y estudiantes en los campos de la ingeniería tales como Ingeniería de Sistemas, Ingeniería Electrónica, Ingeniería Civil, Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Ingeniería Ambiental, Ingeniería industrial y otras ingenierías afines. La recepción de originales está abierta todo el año, y los autores pueden enviar manuscritos en español que no hayan sido publicados anteriormente y tengan concordancia con el campo de interés y las políticas editoriales adoptadas por la revista. Todos los artículos son sometidos a un riguroso proceso de evaluación por pares, que son en mayoría externos, mediante el método “doble ciego”, así mismo se aplican políticas antiplagio. No existen cobros por envío de manuscritos ni por su publicación.


    It is a publication dependent on the Vice Chancellor of Research, our upper house of studies, which aims to gather and convene scholars, intellectuals, professionals, artists, researchers, teachers and lovers in general arts and culture, eager to reflect on the throbbing themes in the cultural evolution of our society, especially of Peru and Tacna in particular. Knowing that it is not possible to develop a comprehensive professional university education, without incorporating the arts and culture in the field of Sustainable Development.


    ET VITA magazine is a publication sponsored by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Private University of Tacna, which publishes results of original research in the biomedical and public health area carried out nationally and internationally. The magazine ET VITA is a biannual publication, it has been published since 2006 and it has been distributed in physics, free and by exchange until the year 2016, at present its publication is virtual.


    La Revista DERECHO de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Privada de Tacna es una publicación semestral, está estructurada como una publicación académica de corte científico, y como tal su contenido está dado por las aportaciones de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria de la Facultad de Derecho, así como por los aportes de académicos nacionales e internacionales.

  • Arquitek

    ARQUITEK, is an open access academic journal, published by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Private University of Tacna, published every semester. It covers interdisciplinary topics related to the field of architecture, urbanism, building technology, communication and management, history and criticism, especially referring to social contexts and emerging issues. We receive unpublished articles that show results of research projects, such as theoretical and methodological discussions.

  • Investigando

    The magazine INVESTIGANDO of the Faculty of Education, Communication Sciences and Humanities (FAEDCOH) of the Private University of Tacna (UPT), publishes original manuscripts according to its lines and sub lines of research related to the field of education, sciences of communication and psychology at the national and international level. It is freely distributed and is aimed at graduates, teachers, researchers and other people involved in education.
    It is an arbitrary publication that uses external reviewers by experts, the authors are responsible for the submitted manuscripts and each issue of the journal is published in an electronic version every six months, during the months of March to June and from July to December.