Publishing Rules


Information for the authors for the presentation of articles to ET VITA Magazine

The articles sent to ET VITA Magazine must be original and unpublished and address issues related to the area of ​​Health Sciences.

The ET VITA Journal supports the policies for clinical trial records of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), as a result, as of July 2007 the clinical trials submitted for publication, they must be registered and have an identification number in one of the Clinical Trial Registries validated by the criteria established by WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available on the ICMJE website. The identification number must be registered at the end of the summary.


The article must be submitted by means of a letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of ET VITA Magazine, signed by one of the authors, requesting the evaluation to be considered its publication. The letter should include the title of the work, the full name of the authors and type of work.

A sworn statement signed by all the authors (according to the established format) must be enclosed, the submitted article is the intellectual property of the authors, which has not been published, nor submitted for evaluation in another journal, ceding the copyright to the Journal ET VITA once the article is published.

Model Letter of Presentation (annex 1)

Sworn Statement Model (Annex 2)

Conflict of Interest Model (Annex 3)

Manuscript submission model (Annex 4)


The article must belong to one of the following categories:

  • Original articles
  • Report of cases
  • Review articles
  • Letter to the editor

Preparation of the manuscripts

The article must be written in Spanish, in Microsoft Word, in ISOA4 size (212x297 mm), font Times New Roman, font size 12 spades, double spaced, with margins of 25 mm.

Decimal fractions must be separated from whole numbers with a decimal point and thousands and millions by a single space (except the numbers of the years, example: 2016). In the English text the decimal fractions are separated from the integers with period.

Each section of the article should start on a separate page, numbered consecutively. In the case of textual citations, the corresponding paragraph within the text will be highlighted by placing it in quotation marks or writing it with italics.

The tables, graphs and figures with their corresponding title, are placed at the end of the text in separate pages; they should not be inserted in the text.

Model: How a manuscript is presented (Annex 4)

Title Page

The title page must contain: Title of the article in the original language and in English, full name of the author or authors, institution where the study was conducted and the electronic address.

The names of the authors must be separated from each other by a comma and must follow the following order: First and last names, followed by an Arabic number in superscript, calling the Academic Degree or Degree and the institutional affiliation of the author.

In a separate paragraph and preceded by the corresponding number in superscript, you must place the highest Academic Degree or Degree obtained and the name of the institution or institutions to which the author has affiliation, ending with the name of the city and country where the institution is located.

For correspondence, the name of the author in charge, address and email must be placed; additionally, you can place the phone number.

Declaration of Financing and Conflicts of Interest Page

On this page the origin of the received funding must be placed: Financial support received in the form of a grant, donation of equipment, contribution of medicines or other support, and possible conflicts of interests of the author or authors, whether of an economic nature, institutional, labor or personal.


Original Articles:

They must contain the following sections:

  • Declaration of Financing and Conflicts of Interest Page
  • Title Page
  • Summary · Abstract · Introduction
  • Material and methods · Results · Discussion
  • Bibliographic references
  • Tables, graphs and figures

The total length of the manuscript, including bibliographic references, must not be more than 10 pages written on one side, without including tables, graphs and figures. A maximum of ten tables, graphs and figures are accepted; The maximum number of bibliographic references is 40.

The abstract and the abstract will be presented each on a separate sheet and with a maximum length of 250 words. They should be written in a single paragraph and include the following subtitles: Objective, material and methods, results and conclusions, and in the end you should add 3 to 6 key words, which help classify the article, placing the source in parentheses (DeCS, BIREME or Mesh, NLM).

The introduction section should not exceed a double-spaced page. The objective of the study is placed at the end of the introduction, in the past tense and in a clear and concise manner.

The discussion section should not exceed four double-spaced pages; In the last paragraph, the conclusions of the study are written. No caption will be placed for the conclusions.

Report of cases:

They must contain the following parts:

  • Declaration of Financing and Conflicts of Interest Page
  • Title Page
  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Presentation of the case
  • Discussion
  • Bibliographic references

The total length of the work, including bibliographic references, must not be more than six pages written on one side, without including tables, graphs and figures. A maximum of six tables, graphs and figures are accepted; The maximum number of bibliographic references is 20.

The abstract and the abstract will be presented each on a separate sheet and with a maximum length of 150 words. They should be written in a single paragraph. At the end you must add 3 keywords or keywords, which help classify the article, placing parentheses the source (DeCS, BIREME or Mesh, NLM).

In the last paragraph of the introduction section, the justification and the objective of the report will be placed.

Review articles:

They must contain the following parts:

  • Declaration of Financing and Conflicts of Interest Page
  • Title Page
  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Text of the article, which should, if possible, address the following sections: Concept. Epidemiology. Etiopathogenesis Complementary exams. Diagnosis. Forecast. Treatment.
  • Discussion
  • Bibliographic references

Those articles that are of special interest for the specialties of Sciences of the

Health and suppose an update in any of the topics indicated as objectives of the magazine.

Maximum 20 body pages including 30 bibliographical references.

Letters to the editor:

They must contain the following parts:

  • Letter
  • Bibliographic references

The total length of the document must not be greater than two pages and a maximum of two tables, graphs and figures will be accepted. The maximum number of bibliographic references is 10.


Keywords should be descriptors in Health Sciences (DECS), = e & previous_page = homepage & previous_task = NULL & task = start, and in English in PubMed's MeSH


The tables must have a brief and clear title and will be numbered according to the order indicated in the text, for example (Table 1). The title of the table must be written in Times New Roman font of 12 spades.

In the tables only three horizontal lines will be placed: one below the title, another below the column headings and the third at the end of the table. Vertical lines should not be used. The graphics and tables must not have a box.

The figures and photos must be presented in JPG, GIF or TIF format. If a scanner is used, they must have a minimum print resolution of 300 dpi.

The magazine will publish iconography in black and white, exceptionally in color, according to the budgets assigned for the edition.


After using foreign material in any form, the bibliographic references must be placed in parentheses, in the same size of letter and in order of consecutive appearance by means of an Arabic numeral in parentheses in size equal to the text; example: (1) or (2,5), without placing hyperlinks. Appointment calls preceded by a space are placed before the period, comma, or other punctuation.

At the end of the document, the list of bibliographic references cited in the text of the article should be placed. The bibliographical references will be written according to the Vancouver Norms and the mention of personal communications, unpublished documents, or in press is not allowed.

In the bibliographical references must necessarily include research articles made in the country or in Latin America, unless there are no studies related to the subject.

To see examples of how to write the bibliographical references, you can enter:


Articles published in magazines:

Last name of the author followed by the initials of the names (up to six authors can be cited) separated by commas; if there are more than six, the first three will be added and "et al." will be added; only one point should be placed at the end of the initial of the name of the last author. Article title. Abbreviated name of the magazine. Year of publication, semicolon, volume followed by the fascicle number in parentheses, colon and finally the number of pages.

Sánchez TM, Yañez CE. Association between facial biotype and overbite. Pilot study. Rev

Estomatol Herediana. 2015; 25 (1): 5-11.

In the case that the magazine has a volume with continuous pagination, the fascicle number must be dispensed with.

Rey de Castro J, Vizcarra D. Frequency of Symptoms of Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome of Sleep and Insomnia in Doctors of a Private Peruvian Clinic. Rev Med Hered. 2003; 14: 53-58.


Author and co-authors in the same way as for the articles, title of the book, edition number, city where it was published, two points, name of the Publisher, semicolon, year of publication, period, p, point, and the pages consulted .

Okeson JP. Treatment of occlusion and temporomandibular conditions. 7th edition. Barcelona:

Elsevier; 2013. p. 195

Chapters of books, brochures or similar:

Last name of the author and co-authors followed by the initials of the names (up to six authors can be cited) separated by commas; if there are more than six, the first three will be added and "et al." will be added; a point must be placed at the end of the initial of the name of the last author and then the title of the article in the source language ending with the following point and then the preposition "In" followed by two points and Author or authors in the same way. that for the articles, the title of the book in the language of origin, followed point, city where it was published, name of the Publisher, year of publication, point, p, point, and the pages consulted.

Alvarez Piazentin-Penna SH, Jorge JC. Avaliação e tratamento dos distúrbios da audição. In: Kiemle TI, da Silva FO. Fissuras Labiopalatinas, an interdisciplinary approach. São Paulo: Saints; 2007. P.165-172.


Author in the same way as for the articles. Title of the work, point followed, specify the degree opted, point followed. City and country where it was supported, separated by a comma, two points and the full name of the University of origin, a comma, the year, followed by a point, then the number of pages, followed by the abbreviation pp.

Cordova LR. Risk factors against metabolic syndrome in medical care staff of Hospital III Daniel Alcides Carrión. Thesis. Tacna, Peru Private University of Tacna, 2013. 75 pp.

Electronic pages:

The electronic pages named in the bibliographical references must be accompanied by the date on which they had access to it.

WHO. World report on diabetes, guidance summary. URL available at: (Access date: May 4, 2017).

The annexes mentioned in this document can be requested by email: Articles can be delivered to the office of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Health Sciences: Private University of Tacna. Av. Jorge Basadre Grohmann s / n, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pocollay, Tacna, Peru or by email to