Factors that influence critical thinking: case of university students


  • Silvia Milagritos Bazán Velásquez Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación
  • Reyna Luz Arias Carrillo Maestro en Administración y Gestión Estratégica
  • Héctor Gonzales Ccopacati Maestro en Gestión Empresarial
  • Dalila Esther Huanca Coronado Magister en Administración y Dirección de Empresas




Critical thinking, academic factors, questions, analysis


The objective of the study was to determine critical thinking in students of the School of Hotel Tourism Administration (EPATH). The present study is descriptive and exploratory. The approach used was the quantitative one. The type of research was descriptive relational. The design was non-experimental of a cross-sectional nature. The sample was a census of 50 EPATH students. The survey technique was used, whose instrument was the questionnaire with multiple choice questions with a Likert scale. The reliability of the instrument with Cronbach's Alpha was (0.904), which indicates high internal consistency. The results reveal that the factors that influence critical thinking in students are; questions, context analysis, analysis and evaluation of distortions and review process of bibliographic sources. It is concluded with a confidence level of 95% that knowledge significantly influences critical thinking in students.


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